29 May Fly Fishing the Spring Creeks with Jay and Katey
Spring Creek Fundraiser trip
- We couldn’t ask for better weather this past weekend on the Fathered Hook Spring Creeks with clients Jay and Katey. The fish were actively feeding all day long. The big Browns have been coming up into the shallows rooting for scuds, sow bugs, waterboatman along with all of the other tasty morsals they can stir up.
- Both Jay and Katey caught lots of fish. They were a pleasure to have on the property. Katey finally got into a big Brown, after a missed fish, another big Brown breaking off, then she finally landed her big Brown after an intense battle. Lot’s of high fives were given along with a little friendly trash talking, it was a great weekend of fly fishing. Jay and Katey purchased this trip at the Brad Davis Fundraiser. I think Brad may have had something to do with the beautiful weekend.
- The flies of choice over the weekend were: Baetis nymph, waterboatman, zebra midge, and a micro leach. The big Browns were reacting very well to the micro leach, slow rolled over the weed beds. A few of the Browns were taking it on the drop after a pause. With the clear water of the Spring Creeks, every method is like dry fly fishing because you can see the take. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing a 24 inch Brown react to a fly then watching that big white mouth open up and inhale it. The trick is to not get to excited and set it to soon.

Another beauty of a cutty on the Feathered Hook Spring Creeks