03 Aug Weekend with the Richards
Cameron and Leah Richards visited the Feathered Hook water this past weekend. Cameron and I went out onto the Smith’s Fork early Thursday morning after Bonneville Cutthroat. Hoppers continued to be the ticket throughout the day. Cameron had the opportunity of reeling in a 19 inch Cutthroat and having several bigger fish break-off.
Cameron and Leah then spent Friday on the Spring Creek Meadows and Salt River. Each having ample opportunities to hook into large Snake River Cutthroat and Brook Trout. Although we didn’t hook into any big Brown’s, they sure made their presence known by causing large wakes wherever they would go. Saturday then consisted of staying at the Greys River Cabin, fishing the Greys River, and Horseback Riding. Leah showed all the boys how it was done by hooking into several good sized Cutthroat. All-in-all a phenomenal weekend with beautiful fish.